Welcome to North Carolina Rural Water Association
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to helping our members attain the highest standard in drinking water and wastewater service. Serving members statewide, NCRWA is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, elected from the association’s membership which includes local governments, sanitary districts, water and sewer authorities, and other non-profit corporations engaged in the distribution/treatment of water and/or the collection/treatment of wastewater in NC.
Mission Statement:
To provide our water and wastewater membership with the highest quality support services possible.
We advance our mission by serving our water and wastewater system members in North Carolina through:
• Training;
• Onsite technical, managerial, and financial assistance;
• Member services;
• Networking opportunities; and
• Legislative and regulatory advocacy.
To provide our water and wastewater membership with the highest quality support services possible.
We advance our mission by serving our water and wastewater system members in North Carolina through:
• Training;
• Onsite technical, managerial, and financial assistance;
• Member services;
• Networking opportunities; and
• Legislative and regulatory advocacy.
Featured Event
Building Capacity for Water Security: The North Carolina Rural Water Association
The North Carolina Rural Water Association (NCRWA) plays a crucial role in supporting rural utilities throughout NC by providing indispensable technical support, training opportunities, and networking events. To further enhance their services, the Nicholas Institute Water Policy Program's Internet of Water (IoW) team and the Lincoln Institute Center for Geospatial Solutions' IoW Initiative have joined forces with NCRWA. Together, they have collaborated to develop and pilot a tool called BoundarySync. This tool empowers rural water utilities to efficiently create and manage their digital service area boundaries.
This compelling video, created by Duke Internet of Water Coalition shines a spotlight on the significant impact that NCRWA has on communities across North Carolina.
This compelling video, created by Duke Internet of Water Coalition shines a spotlight on the significant impact that NCRWA has on communities across North Carolina.
A NCRWA membership puts our resources at your fingertips. There are many benefits, including discounts on training. Check to see if your system/business is a member by clicking the member directory button below. If you are employed by a member, you receive discounts and you must login as a member by clicking the membership login button.
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